Monday, February 17, 2014

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

I know a few people (maybe quite a few people) who cannot pass a mirror without looking at themselves. I know a few people (maybe quite a few people) who can go days without looking in a mirror. I fall somewhere in between. Most days I look at myself while combing hair or brushing my teeth and most days I take a look at what I am wearing before I leave the house. I am one of those people who doesn't see what I really look like. I see a fatter person than I am. I know this sounds kind of egotistical, and I don't mean it that way. I just think I am fat. I know I am not fat. The scale and the size on my clothes tell me I am not fat, but I think I am fat. My husband bought an adorable outfit from LuluLemon for Valentine's Day. I took one look at the shorts and said, "I will never get my butt into these." He insisted I try them on. They fit. It is really pretty odd, because the number on the scale is a number that I can live with. The clothes are small and still I think I am fat. Go figure.
Anyway, next time you are in front of a mirror, stand with your feet together and your back straight. Can you see through your legs in four places? (1. at the top of your thighs  2. between your mid thigh and knees  3. between your knees and your calves  4. between your calves and ankles) When I was a teenager this was the goal. Nowadays, there is the thigh gap. A space between your thighs when standing. Unfortunately, this is a physical impossibility for most people and they are dieting and exercising to extremes to achieve the thigh gap.
Girls, leave it alone. You want to work on something, attack the muffin top.

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